General Surgery

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Cancer surgery

Cancer surgery is the process of removing a part of the body for the diagnosis or treatment of cancer and is the basis of cancer treatment.

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Stomach Baloon

It is applied temporarily, especially in adults between the ages of 18 and 65 who cannot achieve the desired result in diet and exercise applications and cannot lose weight.

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery

With sleeve gastrectomy surgery, approximately 80% of your stomach, including the fundus region where the appetite hormone is released, is removed.

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Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery is a highly effective surgical operation used in the treatment of people who struggle with obesity and have many obesity-related diseases (such as diabetes, sleep apnea).

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Type2 Diabetes Surgery

In type II diabetes, medications and other treatments are used to control the disease, not to cure it completely. However, today, more precise results can be obtained in the treatment of type 2 diabetes by applying metabolic surgery procedures in suitable patients. Thanks to metabolic surgery, insulin produced in the body but not showing any effect is used. At the same time, with the improvement of other diseases caused by diabetes, the life expectancy of patients is prolonged and their quality of life increases.

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Laparoscopy is a semi-invasive surgical technique used to examine or operate on organs and tissues in the abdominal cavity

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