
Plastic Surgery |


Although it is not a permanent and definitive solution to regional body fatness that occurs due to wrong eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, the "fat removal" process, known among the people, is a kind of body shaping operation. It is a surgical intervention aimed at shaping the body in areas such as the hips, hips, neck, legs, knees, jowls and abdomen that develop stubborn lubrication of the body. The time to return to normal life after the operation is short. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. Liposuction applications are a type of operation that increases self-confidence with its aesthetic side for fatty areas that cannot be removed after all diet, sports and weight loss efforts. Liposuction is one of the most preferred aesthetic surgery operations in our country and in the world.

Operation Time: 1-2 hours

Duration of Hospitalization: discharged on the same day

Recovery Time: One week after the procedure, the stitches are removed and after one to three weeks, the patient can return to work and daily life if there is no problem in his general condition. Patient can return to normal exercises 3-4 weeks after the application.